Dental Care and Diabetes Managing Oral Health for Diabetic Patients
Everyone needs to keep their teeth and gums healthy, especially for people with diabetes.
Diabetes is a condition marked by uncontrolled sugar levels, or glucose, in the bloodstream. Blood sugar levels can be very high (hyperglycemia) or low (hypoglycemia). These highs and lows can cause serious health concerns all over the body, including in the mouth.
Oral Health Issues Associated with Diabetes
Uncontrolled blood sugar levels – and exceptionally high blood sugar – of diabetes can cause health problems, including oral health problems.
Gum disease
Affecting about 22 percent of people with diabetes, periodontal disease is the most common oral health problem for people with diabetes. Also known as gum disease, periodontal disease develops due to bacteria and plaque building up on teeth. Poorly managed blood glucose levels can weaken white blood cells, the body’s primary defense against disease-causing bacteria in the mouth.
Dry mouth
Poorly managed diabetes can reduce the production of saliva, causing dry mouth. A 2016 study found that dry mouth affects 12 to 53 percent of people with diabetes. A dry mouth can cause mouth ulcers, soreness, infections, and tooth decay.
Poor healing of oral tissues
High blood sugar levels can slow blood flow, which prevents healing agents from reaching damaged tissue.
Thrush is a fungal infection of the mouth and tongue. The sugar in your blood can pass through blood vessels and into your saliva. The fungus that causes thrush feeds on this sugar. Wearing dentures can increase the risk of thrush in people with diabetes. Thrust can sometimes cause a “burning mouth/tongue.”
North Lafayette Dentist Offers Oral Health Tips for People with Diabetes
Our dentist in North Lafayette provides dental care for patients with diabetes and often offers oral health tips for caring for their teeth and gums at home.
Here are a few of the most common and practical oral health tips for people with diabetes.
Keep your blood glucose levels as close to normal as you can
Take all diabetes medications as directed, for example, and often measure your blood sugar levels. Your doctor can order a hemoglobin A1C level that lets you know how well your blood sugar is controlled.
Brush and floss as recommended
Brush twice a day with a soft toothbrush and floss once daily. While brushing, watch for signs of gum disease, such as bleeding gums.
Quit tobacco and smokeless tobacco
Smoking and chewing tobacco can worsen gum disease.
Tell your dentist if your dentures do not fit right…
Poorly fitting dentures can lead to painful hot spots or sores. Diabetes can slow down the healing of these sores.
… or if you develop other dental problems
Contact your dentist immediately if you have signs or symptoms of other dental problems, such as gum disease. Abscesses, which are a severe form of gum disease, need immediate care for people with diabetes. Call your dentist if your crowns, bridges, braces, or dental work breaks or sustains damage, as it may cut or irritate the tissues of your mouth.
Keep your dentist updated on the status of your diabetes
Let your dentist know what your last blood glucose and A1C levels are and whether you are experiencing any complications from your diabetes.
Contact your doctor before having any oral surgery
Because diabetes can lower your body’s ability to fight infections, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics before you have oral surgery. Your doctor can also help if you need to change the timing of your meals or medications before your dental work. Be sure to give your doctor’s name and phone number to your dentist in case the two need to communicate.
Have your teeth and gums cleaned and checked twice a year
During these visits, our dentist in North Lafayette can look for early signs of gum disease or other oral issues that typically affect people with diabetes.
If you or someone in your family has diabetes, choose a North Lafayette dentist who has experience in treating people with this condition. Hebert Family Dentistry offers superior dental care for people with diabetes in North Lafayette, Louisiana.